The General Conference of UNESCO takes place every two years and is responsible for outlining programs, budgets and electing Executive Board Members, as well as appointing the UNESCO’s Director-General. Member and Associated States, non-Member State observers, International Organizations and NGOs gather to shape UNESCO’s policies and core strategies. In this 42nd Session of the General Conference, some of the special meetings included “(Re)thinking the commons, Acting Together”, Education for Peace or the Youth Forum.
Draft Revised 1974 Recommendations
During the session, the Education Commission gathered from the 8th to the 11th of November. For the Commission’s meeting, the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay submitted a draft of the revised Recommendation of 1974 about “Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”. The purpose of this revision was to update the 1974 Recommendations taking into account global and educational transformations to align the text with the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education and to integrate education’s role in promoting human rights, fundamental freedoms, global peace, international understanding, and sustainable development.
OIDEL, represented by Josyane Zingg, engaged in the discussion around the revision of the 1974 Recommendation by highlighting the lack of reference to parental rights. The protection of parental rights and the recognition of their responsibilities are vital for the realization of the right to education, also when it comes to education for international understanding, cooperation, and peace. The new recommendations were approved with unanimity of the Member States.
Additionally, OIDEL took the opportunity of the General Conference to have a constructive meeting with the Education Policy Section at UNESCO, resuming past relations and opening new dialogue and cooperation opportunities.