Learnt lessons during the 1st COVID-19 wave for the reopening of schools
OIDEL presenta un informe realizado a partir de un análisis que cubre la totalidad de países reconocidos por Naciones Unidas en el que recopila las iniciativas, tendencias y buenas prácticas educativas impulsadas por sus gobiernos para afrontar la crisis generada por el COVID-19.
The aim of the research done by OIDEL is to shed some light on how different countries have faced this educational crisis collecting good practices and strategies of the government and the civil society to face this situation.
The first part of the report consisted on a quantitative analyses on the government strategies during the first wave of COVID. This section shows how during the confinement
most of the developed countries decided to wager on online education. On the other hand,
most of the developing countries focus their energy in the braoadcasting educational programs through television, radio or written press.
The report highlights the important role than parents have had in the education of their children during these first months of the crisis. This fact has been acknowledged by government and international institutions.
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