OIDEL participates in the GA and Conference on Parents’ Well-being organized by EPA

Last June 11th, OIDEL was invited to participate in the General Assembly and Conference of the European Parents Association. The sessions took place at the Lazarist school in the center of Lyon (France).

OIDEL Director, Ignasi Grau, gave a session to illustrate the human rights protection framework for parents, explain the tensions concerning parents in international discussions and share good practices for better representation of parents’ organizations in international bodies.

Among the other panelists there was Corinne Heckamann from the OECD who explained the indicators developed by Education at a Glance on student well-being. It was also very interesting for OIDEL to participate in the session on ongoing EPA projects led by Arja Krauchenberg.

The session allowed OIDEL to resume direct contact with European Parents’ Associations, and to discuss with EPA President Victor Petuya on joint challenges in the field of education.

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Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


Vellum Theme

8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


OIDEL est une ONG avec statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies,
l’ UNESCO et le Conseil de l’ Europe.

OIDEL is a non- governmental organisation, with consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

OIDEL es una ONG con estatuto consultivo antes las Naciones Unidas, la UNESCO y el Consejo de Europa.