OIDEL Participates in the 103rd Annual General Assembly of CEEC in Strasbourg

14-15 October, Strasbourg

OIDEL had the honor of participating in the 103rd Annual General Assembly of the Comité Européen pour l’Enseignement Catholique (CEEC), held on November 14, 15, and 16, 2024, at the Centre culturel Saint-Thomas in Strasbourg, France. This gathering brought together representatives from Catholic educational institutions across Europe to discuss current challenges and opportunities for educational freedom on the continent.

During the sessions, OIDEL presented its international work, highlighting its activities at the United Nations, UNESCO, and European institutions, emphasizing its commitment to promoting educational freedom as a fundamental human right. Special attention was given to the dissemination of the Freedom of Education Index, which evaluates educational freedom in over 150 countries. The Index serves as a key tool for measuring progress in this area and raising awareness among policymakers about the importance of this right.

OIDEL also took the opportunity to announce the next edition of its Summer University, a space for training and dialogue that brings together students, scholars, and professionals from around the world to reflect on human rights, education, and public policy. This annual event has become a key forum for learning and networking to advance the defense of educational freedom.
As part of the program, the Assembly participants visited the European Parliament, where they reflected on the role of European institutions in protecting educational diversity and strengthening democratic values in Europe.

OIDEL’s participation in this event reaffirms its commitment to collaborating with international organizations such as CEEC to ensure that educational freedom remains a priority on political and educational agendas.

Vellum Theme

8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


Vellum Theme

8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


OIDEL est une ONG avec statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies,
l’ UNESCO et le Conseil de l’ Europe.

OIDEL is a non- governmental organisation, with consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

OIDEL es una ONG con estatuto consultivo antes las Naciones Unidas, la UNESCO y el Consejo de Europa.