Conference “Freedom of education in Spain – Where we are and where we should be”

OIDEL participated in the session organized by CEU-CEFAS and the San Pablo Andalucía Foundation entitled “Freedom of education in Spain – Where we are and where we should be”. The session took place at the headquarters of the San Pablo Andalucía CEU Foundation in Seville. The speakers at the session were Ignasi Grau, director of OIDEL, and Jesús Muñoz de Priego Alvear, a lawyer specialized in Education Law. The event was introduced by the Academic Secretary of CEU-CEFAS and closed by the National Councilor of the ACdP Federico Jiménez Cisneros.

The director of OIDEL presented from a theoretical and human rights perspective why it was explicitly recognized parents in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, why this recognition is still relevant today and what is the nature of this right. Ignasi Grau also explained why, in view of the current challenges, freedom of education is still relevant.

The presentation of the lawyer Muñoz de Priego focused on the growing challenges to this freedom in Spain. For OIDEL this meeting was interesting as it allows us to strengthen our collaboration with the CEU Foundation and CEU-CEFAS in particular.

Vellum Theme

8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


Vellum Theme

8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


OIDEL est une ONG avec statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies,
l’ UNESCO et le Conseil de l’ Europe.

OIDEL is a non- governmental organisation, with consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

OIDEL es una ONG con estatuto consultivo antes las Naciones Unidas, la UNESCO y el Consejo de Europa.