The General Assembly of the European Committee for Catholic Education (CEEC) took place right after the International Congress of Catholic Schools, also in Marseille (France). CEEC is an international non-profit association and serves as a cooperation tool for 29 Catholic education networks in 27 Central, Eastern and Western European countries, representing more than 35,000 schools and 8 million pupils. Both CEEC and OIDEL are NGOs devoted to the realization of the right to education and together we work for a better realization of this right around the world. CEEC is an important member of OIDEL and our participation in their General Assemblies has become a habit.
For OIDEL, these General Assemblies are a great opportunity to cultivate the relationship with one of the biggest networks of non-profit non-governmental schools in Europe and in the world. They give us greater awareness of the challenges at a local level when it comes to the realization of the right to education. This time, the focus was laid on the political challenges of Irish, Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish Catholic Schools.
Ignasi Grau presented the main developments at the international and at the European level concerning the right to education and more specifically, educational pluralism. He also provided CEEC with advice on how to get involved in these discussions.