Between the 11th of September and the 13th of October of 2023, the 54th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council has taken place, with contributions of OIDEL in relation to Human Rights’ education; the protection of economic, social and cultural rights against the inequalities rising from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the digital revolution.
During the multiple sessions, and in a general manner, OIDEL has emphasized the role of the family and the cultural aspects when protecting the rights of the population, in particular those of children.
Oral statement During the Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR’s Work on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in COVID-19 Recovery
As representative of OIDEL, Josyane Zingg has taken the floor to express OIDEL’s concerns in relation to the regression of the realization of the right to education as a consequence of a multiplicity of factors, including the COVID-19 circumstances.
At the same time, Ms. Zingg highlighted the indispensable role of families when protecting the Right to education, stressing the evidences of their trustworthiness and reliability. Therefore, in addition to the new social contract presented by the Secretary-General, between governments and society, OIDEL has demanded an increase of the public institution’s trust in parents.
Oral Statement During the General Debate item 3 on the Promotion and Protection of all Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
In this Oral statement, Mayca San Andrés, as the representative of OIDEL, has underlined the importance, on this fifth phase of the World Program for Human Rights Education, of including those sectors of society that had been excluded during the last four phases of the program.
Moreover, OIDEL’s aims to focus on the cultural approach to education as a Human Right have been showcased. In this sense, culture, race and religion of each person would be taken into account, searching for the respect of the multiplicity of identities that coexist in today’s society.
Statement in Relation to the Human Rights Council Panel Discussion on Cyberbullying against Children
The Human Rights Council’s resolution about cyberbullying against children exposes the developmental possibilities that digitalization offers for kids, but it also considers the multiple dangers in relation to the digital world. In this way, it recognizes the negative impact of cyberbullying and the necessity to protect children against its growing expansion. With the necessity of implementing the Declaration of the rights of the children at all levels.
In this case, OIDEL considers that both the role of parents, and the great impact of digitalization on childhood should be considered. In addition, OIDEL insists on the broadness of the problem of cyberbullying and the plurality of its factors.
Informal Consultations on Draft Resolutions
During the five-week sesión of the Human Rights Council, OIDEL followed several resolutions, including three on education and one on the family.