FEI – 2018


En 2016, l’OIDEL a publié le premier Indice de Liberté d’Enseignement (ILE) pour étudier la situation de la liberté d’enseignement dans le monde, avec une approche basée sur les droits. Nous voulions mettre en relief le rôle de cette liberté dans la construction de sociétés démocratiques justes et inclusives. Notre recherche a été bien accueillie et deux ans plus tard, nous proposons un nouveau rapport qui permet de travailler sur les relations de notre Indice, l’ILE, avec d’autres indicateurs relatifs à la gouvernance des sociétés au sens large. En effet, il nous a semblé particulièrement intéressant de vérifier certaines hypothèses de recherche telles que la corrélation entre l’ILE et l’indice de démocratie par exemple, ou encore avec des indicateurs de bonne gouvernance qui font la part belle à la participation de la société civile. D’autre part, nous avons souhaité évaluer l’exactitude de deux arguments parfois évoqués à l’encontre de la liberté d’enseignement, à savoir qu’elle impliquerait une augmentation des dépenses publiques en éducation ou qu’elle nuirait à la cohésion sociale. Notre rapport a déjà été présenté aux Nations-Unies à Genève, à Berlin et à Stockholm.  
In 2016, OIDEL  published the first Freedom of Education Index (FEI) to assess from a human rights perspective the situation of freedom of education in the world. The aim of the research is to underline the role of this liberty in the construction of democratic, fair and inclusive societies. Two years after the FEI, OIDEL has published a new report that enables us to work on the relations of this Indicator with other indicators concerning governance of societies, quality of education and human rights. Indeed, we thought it would be particularly interesting to verify some hypothesis such as the correlation between the FEI and the Democracy Index, or for instance with the indicators of good governance. Furthermore, we have assessed the accuracy of two arguments referred to criticize freedom of education: that freedom of education implies an increase of public expenditure or that it is detrimental to social cohesion. Our report has been presented at the United Nation in Geneva, in Berlin, in the Swedish Parliament and received tremendous attention. Education 2030 and the new resolution of the European Parliament on the modernization of education in Europe encourage us to go further on the promotion of this fundamental freedom that constitute the very basis of the right to education.


Freedom of education index

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If you have further questions about  the Freedom of Education Index, you can always contact us via email at oidel@oidel.org


Indice de liberté d'enseignement

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Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez toujours nous contacter par email à oidel@oidel.org


Índice de libertad de enseñanza

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The 12th of March OIDEL participated in a seminar entitled “The importance of pluralism in a national school system”

Sweden has elections the 9th of September of this year. In this context many parties have started to heat the electoral campaign. On this regard the Social democrats have announced a few weeks ago as an electoral promise that they will ban all religious schools in Europe to tackle radicalization. Many newspapers and different stakeholders of the educational domain have reacted critically to this promise.

For better or worse, educational freedom seem that is going to be one of the main issues in the next Swedish elections. In order to have some international and human rights perspective to this debate Christian Schools organize a seminar at the Swedish Parliament sponsored by the Christian Democrat Party.

OIDEL was invited and we presented the new Freedom of Education Index, which consists of a Comparative Approach of the Freedom of Education Index. The aim of the presentation of OIDEL was to show that freedom of education was an essential part of the right to education as we can observe in the article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or in the article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Also, we shared a part of the research of the Freedom of Education Index, to show that freedom of education does not have any effect on the social cohesion or the quality of an educational system. On this regard, we can point that the success of a freedom of education is a matter of political will.

Per Kristensen of ECNAIS presented the importance of freedom of education to ensure pluralism. Then there were two different presentations explaining the Swedish situation in a more global context done by Sven Magnusson and Lars Brandström. The event finished with a song sang by the member of the Parliament: Roland Utbult.

El pasado 20 y 21 de abril OIDEL participó en la Asamblea General de el Comité de la Enseñanza Católica en Berlín. Los miembros del Comité son las representaciones de los distintos grupos de escuelas católicas en los distintos países de Europa. Es importante mencionar que la Enseñanza Católica representa el grupo más grande de escuelas privadas en Europa representando más del 50% de las escuelas privadas en países como Bélgica, España, Francia, Eslovaquia, Austria entre otros. OIDEL realizó la presentación de la investigación más reciente, el Índice de Libertad de Enseñanza. Centrándose sobre todo en las relaciones relativas a la región educativa Europa Oeste y Norte América. Los asistentes se sorprendieron al ver que a pesar de las amenazas a la libertad de enseñanza en países como Suecia, Eslovaquia o Portugal la libertad de enseñanza ha seguido creciendo en Europa desde 2002. Igualmente la presentación sirvió para mostrar que no se puede afirmar la libertad de enseñanza tenga efectos negativos sobre la cohesión social o la libertad de enseñanza, argumentos típicos en varios países ambos para su limitación. Los asistentes al evento tuvieron la oportunidad al final del evento de clarificar sus dudas y proponer formas de difusión a dicha investigación. Para OIDEL este encuentro supuso la posibilidad además de conocer de más cerca algunas de las dificultades y oportunidades que las escuelas no gubernamentales encuentran en los distintos países de Europa. The 12th of March OIDEL participated in a seminar entitled “The importance of pluralism in a national school system”
Le 17 avril 2018, l'OIDEL avec des autres organisations (la collaboration de la chaire UNESCO de l'Université de Bergamo, la chaire UNESCO de La Rioja, Smart internet users, le Collège Universitaire Henry Dunant
et Women's Board), a organisé un événement pour la présentation du nouveau Indice de liberté d’enseignement (FEI) Dans le cadre d'une approche des libertés de l'ODD4, et avec la modération de M.Pablo Nuño de la Mission permanente de l'Espagne auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies,
PRESENTACIÓN DEL ÍNDICE DE LIBERTAD DE ENSEÑANZA. CORRELACIÓN CON UNA SELECCIÓN DE INDICADORES, 2018. Universidad Abat Oliba CEU Barcelona. 25 de setiembre de 2018 Se ha presentado en la Universidad Abat Oliba CEU el " Índice de Libertad de Enseñanza. Correlación con una selección de indicadores" Nota de prensa DOSSIER DE PRESSE:

El mundo financiero

Europa Press


La Vanguardia


Universitat Abat Oliba- CEU

Nordic National Christian School Organizations Meeting

On the 1st and 2nd of October Ignasi Grau was in Furusund (Sweden) to participate in the Nordic National Christian School Organizations Meeting to hold a seminar on Freedom of Education. The Nordic National Christian School Organizations meeting is an opportunity for the representatives of Christian Schools from Denmark, Faeroe Islands, Finland, Norway and Sweden to share experiences and challenges of their educational systems.  OIDEL was invited to present two of our main researches on Freedom of Education: the Freedom of Education Index 2016 and the Freedom of Education Index – Correlation with selected indicators 2018. Also, OIDEL presented the main challenges and opportunities on education, such as Education 2030. Nordic Countries are globally perceived as an example of good educational policies. It was a good opportunity for us to learn and to deepen our relations with local actors from these countries in order to establish collaboration in future researches concerning freedom of education.

Oggi Treviso

L' Arena

 The 20th of October OIDEL participated in an event organized by the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Marie Curie, in Bussolengo (Verona) Italy. The event was introduced by Remo Sernagiotto member of the European Parliament who recalled the importance of the new European Resolution on modernization of Education in the EU. He congratulated the European Parliament to place again the family in the center of educational policies. The event was moderated by Giovanni Facchinetti, director of the General and administrative service of the I. C. Falcone – Barsellino of Bardolino. OIDEL explained how the autonomy of the educational centers is becoming little by little more important to tackle the educational challenges that the EU is facing. On this regard, OIDEL shows how the European Parliament has took into consideration the importance of a human rights perspective to education, as well as taking into consideration freedom of education. OIDEL points the importance of the new Resolution on modernization of Education in the EU, as it recognizes the role of the parents and the importance of public funding for non-governmental schools. You can read the full intervention in Italian in the following link. The other two speakers were Luca Perego and Viviana Sette. Luca Pergo is assistant to the General Director of the General Direction of Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission. M. Perego shared the new programs and initiatives of the European Commission to show how the European Union is essential to tackle the common problems that the States members are facing on the field of education. Finally, Viviana Sette Director of the Istituto Comprensivo di Bussolengo, did a compelling intervention on how the problems of education are perceived from inside of the educational institutions.The event finished with some questions and interventions from the audience, mostly teachers and public authorities who work on the field of education.
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8, rue Le Corbusier CH– 1208 Genève
Tél. +41 22 789 29 49
Fax. +41 22 789 29 22


OIDEL est une ONG avec statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies,
l’ UNESCO et le Conseil de l’ Europe.

OIDEL is a non- governmental organisation, with consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

OIDEL es una ONG con estatuto consultivo antes las Naciones Unidas, la UNESCO y el Consejo de Europa.